Draw the second card: 9 of hearts (9H), now we have a Pair now and we hope for a three of a kind.Draw the first card: 9 of spades (9S), our hand rank is now High card.When we, humans, play poker we draw cards one by one and after each draw we evaluate the rank of the hand to see if we have a pair, or a full house, or something else. The poker hands must be sortable by rank, the highest rank first.Īpply the Texas Hold’em rules for ranking the cards.Īn ace can either rank high or rank low in a straight or straight flush. The second character represents the suit, valid characters are:.
The first character is the value of the card, valid characters are:Ģ, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, T(en), J(ack), Q(ueen), K(ing), A(ce).The characteristics of the string of cards are: